Please be forewarned:

Even though my photos will never be anything but PG rated; I am no stranger to profanity. While I don't go tossing in cuss words all willy-nilly, I have been known to go on a bit of a rant every now and then.

With that said . . . game on.

- m.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Playing with nail polish

[ This post was originally on another blog I was keeping on 6/02/07. ]

When it's raining outside and there ain't any cute doggies or pink flowers, there's always nail polish... muahaha. (Yes, I was very, VERY bored.)

(click for larger image)

This is a grown woman's version of finger painting. *grins*

I have this bad, bad habit of walking into drug stores and buying a buncha bottles of nail polish, simply 'cause I fall in love with the colors. I never have any actual intention of using 'em for their rightful purpose, but they come in handy... apparently. *chuckles*

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