Please be forewarned:

Even though my photos will never be anything but PG rated; I am no stranger to profanity. While I don't go tossing in cuss words all willy-nilly, I have been known to go on a bit of a rant every now and then.

With that said . . . game on.

- m.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Pale Petals

I have no idea what kinda flowers these are, but this is another shot I took while in upstate NY while on vacation. My best friend's neighbor had a few flower pots hanging outside and I just couldn't help myself. I just loved the color of these blooms.

(click for larger image)

Like I've said before, I'm really not a girly-girl that wanders about going for flowers and moonbeams, but c'mon- this is just so pretty. I'm a jeans 'n t-shirt wearing metal chick, who curses like a sailor (sometimes), loves macabre imagery, and all sorts of other fun, unsavory stuff, but nature- pure and simple- just boggles my mind. Also, flowers don't complain if you don't get them in the right light... they stay still and let me take my time; heh.

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